This has been stated by the biologist and researcher of the Higher Polytechnic School of Huesca, Juan Herrero, specialized in Pyrenean fauna
The biologist and researcher at the Escuela Politécnica Superior de Huesca, Juan Herrero, specialized in Pyrenean fauna, has stated that, at this time, the chamois or chamois (known in Alto Aragón as chamois), is being affected by the Pestivirus, a disease caused by a virus that is spreading from east to west through the mountain range and that significantly reduces its population.
The biologist explained that this pathology arrived in 2011 from Catalonia and has already reached the Monte Perdido Massif. It produces a mortality of 30 percent of specimens and is a natural disease, little known.
In these cases, the intervention consists of describing what is happening and accounting for the affected specimens since, being natural, “it is not usually treated”. The counts of sarrios will be carried out in June, July and November and, based on the incidence that is observed, the authorized hunting quotas must be adjusted.
The population of sarrios in the Huesca Pyrenees currently reaches around 11,000 specimens, according to the specialist, who has specified that this circumstance will condition aspects of the management of the species.
Herrero is one of the speakers at the technical conference on chamois that began last Thursday in Boltaña, and will continue on the 26th in Jaca. They are organized by the Government of Aragon, with the collaboration of the University of Zaragoza and the Pyrenean Institute of Ecology.
A hundred people participate in them, including nature protection agents from Aragon, guards from the public company Sociedad Aragonesa de Gestión Agroambiental (SARGA), guards from the Ribagorza region and forestry agents from the Foral Government of Navarra and with this activity we want to update the training of these professionals.
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