Legends, stories and literature run through the lands of Pallars Sobirà, especially if you head to the captivating Vall d'Àssua. When talking about the Vall d'Àssua, we are talking about a novel landscape, a landscape that hides behind its green landscapes an infinity of stories to tell. This beautiful valley in the Pallars Sobirà region covers part of the municipalities of Sort and Rialb.
Within the beautiful and grandiose Vall d'Àssua you will find a literary landscape of great renown in multiple literary works that have had a special meaning. Specific spaces in which specific, important and in many cases crucial scenes of the works have been developed. The literary works that have some fragment of the history that takes place in this valley are described with great precision and detail, there are even spaces that I include that become repeat offenders in different novels.
The literary works or novels in which you can read fragments that speak of the beautiful Vall d'Àssua are 'Les Veus del Panamo' by Jaume Cabré, 'Verd madur' by Josep Virós, as well as the works 'Mel i metzines', 'Pedra de tartara' or 'País íntim', all of them by María Barbal. One can also speak of the work 'Viatge literari pel Pallars Sobirà' by Ferran Rella or the different works published by Joan Lluís such as 'El meu Pallars' or 'Històries i llegendes del Pallars'.
Through the heady Vall d'Àssua you can enjoy up to 5 different itineraries, routes that appear in the aforementioned works. Itinerary 1 appears in the work 'Les Veus del Panamo', and it is a short walk of just a couple of hours, a quiet and relaxed route that hardly has any slope, surrounding the Pamano River and with wonderful views of the entire Valley. This itinerary starts from Seurí and goes through places like Meneurí, Prat de l'Areny or Llessui.
Route 2 also appears in the work 'Les Veus del Panamo' (part 2), but this time it starts from Sorre, and crosses towns such as Enviny, Surp, Sort or Rialp, among others. This route lasts 12 hours, a complete walk that covers an important part of the towns that are part of the Vall d'Àssua and Batlliu. At least one full day is necessary to be able to complete this entire route, but if you want to do it in a more relaxed way, it can be done in two days. Corners, surprises and shelters await you in this beautiful place.
Route 3 appears in the work 'Verd madur' and begins the route from the town of Llessui and runs through beautiful natural spaces such as the Moró ravine, the Mollons ravine, the Guaus fountain or the Xic de Mainera lake. This itinerary lasts approximately 6 hours. The recommendation on this route is to stop to contemplate the beauty of the imposing Montsent. Itinerary 4 appears in the novel 'Pedra de Tartera', a journey that does not reach 4 hours and a half. This itinerary starts from the town of Altron and runs along the Borda de Botiguet, Solati or Sant Josep d'Olp. The splendid views of this route show the best of Vall d'Àssua, Pallars Sobirà and Montsent.
And to finish mentioning itinerary 5, a route that appears in the work 'Mel i metzines', a route that barely lasts 6 hours and starts from the town of Olp, passing through towns such as Sort, Rialp or Mare de Déu of Montserrat. This path is sunny, quiet and easy to follow, where you will be accompanied by sections with old stone walls.
Editorial Hotel Les Brases